
Peer Support.
A supportive, effective
mental health support system.

Our Team is passionate about providing strengths-based, peer led, mental health
services to a range of sectors.


The Transformative Power Of Peer Support

Peer Support Sessions

Our Peer Support Services offer personalized assistance through both 1-on-1 sessions and group sessions, tailored to meet individual and collective needs. In our 1-on-1 sessions, clients receive dedicated support from a trained peer supporter who provides empathetic guidance and shares personal experiences to foster growth and resilience. Our group sessions create a supportive community where participants can connect, share insights, and learn from one another's journeys. Whether you prefer individual attention or thrive in group settings, our Peer Support Services are designed to empower you on your path towards mental wellness.

Training & Education

Our Training and Education programs are designed to equip individuals and organizations with the skills and knowledge to effectively integrate peer support into various settings. We offer comprehensive workshops and seminars that cover topics such as active listening, empathy building, emotional regulation, peer support, and crisis intervention techniques. Participants gain practical insights and strategies from experienced peer support professionals, enhancing their ability to provide meaningful support within their communities.

Whether you're looking to enhance your personal skills or empower your team, our Training and Education programs ensure you have the tools to promote mental health and resilience through peer support.

Wellness & Recovery Coaching

Our Wellness and Recovery Coaching is designed to support you in achieving your goals in a gentle, supportive manner. We understand that obstacles can arise on your journey, and we're here to identify and troubleshoot those barriers together. Through collaborative sessions, we'll work closely with you to uncover your strengths, address challenges, and develop personalized strategies for success.

Whether you're navigating personal growth, overcoming mental health challenges, or striving for a healthier lifestyle, our coaching approach focuses on empowering you to achieve sustainable progress and well-being.

Peer Support Sessions

Training, Workshops & Custom Courseware

Wellness & Recovery Coaching


Peer Support - Essential Across All Sectors

Community Services

Our Peer Supporters partner with various community organizations to offer tailored support that addresses the unique needs of each community. Whether you’re a local nonprofit, a social service agency, or a community group, we can help enhance personal awareness and coping strategies within your community. We also provide Training and run Educational Groups, and we love creating Custom Courseware to meet specific educational needs. Let us know how we can work with you to support your community’s well-being.


In the corporate world, stress and burnout are common challenges. Our Peer Supporters provide a safe space for employees to discuss their difficulties and develop strategies for improved work-life balance and mental well-being. We offer Wellness & Recovery Coaching that focuses on identifying systemic issues or barriers that might be hindering progress. Additionally, our team provides Training and Educational Groups designed to enhance personal awareness and coping strategies within the workplace. Custom Courseware is available for corporate clients with specific educational needs.


Peer support for individuals offers immense value by providing a compassionate, understanding ally who has faced similar challenges and can offer relatable insights and encouragement. This personalized support helps clients feel less isolated, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. Peer supporters can aid in building self-esteem, developing coping strategies, and setting realistic goals, empowering clients to take control of their mental health journey. The empathetic guidance and shared experiences of a peer supporter create a safe space for individuals to express themselves, navigate their emotions, and make meaningful progress towards recovery and well-being.


Peer support for families offers a unique and valuable resource by fostering learning and understanding from others who have navigated similar family dynamics and challenges. Families can benefit from peer supporters by gaining insights into effective communication strategies, conflict resolution techniques, and ways to foster a supportive home environment. Peer supporters facilitate an environment where family members can share their experiences, promote empathy, and strengthen their relationships.

By providing a space for open dialogue, peer supporters help families understand and address generational trauma, encouraging healing and breaking negative cycles. Through shared experiences and mutual support, peer supporters empower families to learn from each other, build resilience, and work together towards a healthier, more cohesive family unit.

Work With Us

Community Support Organizations

Corporate Peer Support

Individual & Family Peer Support

Stress Recovery Coach

Skills Not Pills

We would love to hear from you

Our Team is committed to supporting you on your journey to better mental health. Whether you have questions about our services, need support, or simply want to share your thoughts, we’re here to listen. Please reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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