Crooked Beauty

Mental Health Minus the Labels

Sara N. and Monica W. lead this introductory group at the Aurora Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday September 10th, 2024 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

During this engaging, free session, we will explore mental health through the lens of Peer Support, featuring a screening of the film Crooked Beauty. This powerful documentary offers a unique and empowering perspective on what society often labels as mental illness. We will discuss how Peer Support, unlike conventional mental health approaches, aligns with the themes of the film, offering new insights into personal and societal challenges. This group provides an opportunity to explore how Peer Support – and Stress Recovery Coach – can enhance wellbeing, aid in stress management and support your mental health.

The facilitators, Sara N. and Monica W., invite you to consider the idea that what can often be labelled as mental illness or mental health challenges may instead be an inability to adjust to situations that feel unnatural top us or are excessively stressful or overwhelming.

Join us in this insightful conversation to discover the transformative power of Peer Support.

What to Expect:

After viewing Crooked Beauty, we will explore the concept that mental health struggles are not merely symptoms of a biological brain disorder but could also be responses to excessive stress or systemic issues. We’ll challenge the conventional notion of mental health as a personal failing or biological malfunction, and instead, look at it through a lens of sensitivity and adaptation. We will touch on five key themes (outlined below) that participants can delve deeper into by attending one – or more – of our paid offerings.

Key Themes:

  • Symmetry and Functionality: Delve into the metaphor of birds with perfectly symmetrical feathers that cannot fly. This symbolizes the tension between societal expectations and personal authenticity, suggesting that our struggles often stem from trying to fit into systems that may not align with our innate nature.
  • Trauma and Sensitivity: Reflect on the idea that many individuals labeled as mentally ill might actually be grappling with profound emotional wounds or broken hearts. We’ll examine how these sensitivities can provide valuable insights rather than be seen solely as impediments.
  • Systemic Challenges vs. Personal Failings: Question the focus on medicating symptoms versus addressing systemic issues. Explore how societal pressures and personal sensitivities interact and how they can be reframed as sources of strength and understanding.
  • Embracing Sensitivities: Learn to manage your sensitivities in a way that turns them into sources of valuable information, rather than being overwhelmed by them. Develop strategies for navigating and embracing your inner world without judgment.
  • Acknowledging Reality: Explore the possibility of resilience in the face of challenging situations and the many – at times overwhelming – stressors of everyday life.

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We provide tailored learning experiences designed to meet your unique needs. Click the image to explore our comprehensive options in custom course creation and our enhanced workshop and facilitation programs.

Skills For Life!

Skills You Should Have Learned In School

Our educational approach emphasizes self-determination and self-management across facilitated groups, workshops, and courses. We focus on fostering skills that support participants in effectively navigating their own well-being and enhancing their understanding of personal challenges. Embracing a strengths-based perspective, we prioritize potential and resilience skills.

Facilitated groups provide a supportive space for participants to explore personal growth and mutual support, guided by peers and facilitators with shared experiences. Workshops offer transformative experiences, encouraging participants to delve into their capabilities in a nurturing environment facilitated by both professionals and peers. This dual approach helps foster a community of advocates who uplift each other’s personal development and well-being.

Our education aims to create lasting impacts across generations, empowering individuals to advocate and educate within their families and communities. Graduates emerge equipped with knowledge, practical tools, and a supportive network, ready to make a positive difference in their own lives and beyond. Through our dedication to quality education, we strive to cultivate a legacy of resilience, empowerment, and meaningful societal change.

Stress Recovery Coach

Skills Not Pills

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Our Team is committed to supporting you on your journey to better mental health. Whether you have questions about our services, need support, or simply want to share your thoughts, we’re here to listen. Please reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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